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Classes, interfaces and traits


Authentication interface.

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Application issues exception.

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Auth errors exception.

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URL bad schema exception.

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WebSocket client implementation.

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Satori RTM Connection.

Access the RTM Service on the connection level to connect to the RTM Service, send and receive PDUs Uses WebSocket client to connect to RTM. Does not handle any possible exceptions from the WS client.
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All connection issues exception.

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Subscription events list.

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Helper functions to work with PDU.

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PSR-3 Logger.
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Default PSR-3 LogLevels.

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Observable class.

Allows to extend any struct with ability to Fire events and ability to listen for any events.
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Frame opcode.
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Protocol Data Unit (PDU).

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List of possible result of read and write operations.

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Code number representation.

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RTM role-based authentication.

Client connection to RTM is established in default role. Client can acquire different the permissions by authenticating for a different role. This is done in a two-step process using the Handshake and then Authenticate PDU.
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RTM client.

The **RtmClient** class is the main entry point to manage the WebSocket connection from the PHP SDK to RTM. Use the RtmClient class to create a client instance from which you can publish messages and subscribe to channels, create separate Subscription objects for each channel to which you want to subscribe. RtmClient has a **single-threaded** model. This model imposes some limitations: - You cannot read from a WebSocket connection and write to it in the same time; - You **MUST TO** read from a WebSocket connection from time to time to avoid buffer overflowing; Events ============================================= RTM Client allows to use Event-Based model for Events. Use client.on&lt;Event&gt; function to continuously processing events. Base syntax: `$client->onEvent($callback_function);` Example: ```php <?php $client = new RtmClient(ENDPOINT, APP_KEY); $client->onConnected(function () { echo 'Connected to Satori RTM and authenticated as ' . ROLE . PHP_EOL; })->onError(function ($type, $error) { echo "Type: $type; Error: $error[message] ($error[code])" . PHP_EOL; }); $client->connect(); ``` Each event handler returns $client object, so you can register callbacks continuously. You can register multiple callbacks on the same event: ```php $client = new RtmClient(ENDPOINT, APP_KEY); $client->onConnected(function () { echo 'Callback 1'; }); $client->onConnected(function () { echo 'Callback 2'; }); $client->connect(); ``` There are 4 base events: - CONNECTED occurs when client is connected to the endpoint - DISCONNECTED occurs when client lost connection - AUTHENTICATED occurs after successfull authentication - ERROR occurs on each error Event Parametes ------------------------------------------------ **onConnected()** - not passed **onDisconnected($code, $message)** - int $code TCP socket error codes or internal application code - string $message Disconnect reason **onAuthenticated()** - not passed **onError($type, $error)** - ERROR_TYPE_APPLICATION|ERROR_TYPE_CONNECTION|ERROR_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION $type Error type - array $error Error details. Keys: - int $code Error code - string $message Error description Authentication ============================================= You can specify role to get role-based permissions (E.g. get an access to Subscribe/Publish to some channels) when connecting to the endpoint. Follow the link to get more information: Use [\RtmClient\Auth\RoleAuth](../classes/RtmClient.Auth.RoleAuth.html) to authenticate using role-based authentication: ```php $options = array( 'auth' => new RtmClient\Auth\RoleAuth(ROLE, ROLE_SECRET_KEY), ); $client = new RtmClient(ENDPOINT, APP_KEY, $options); ``` Subscriptions ============================================= RTM client allows to subscribe to channels: ``` $client->subscribe('animals', function ($ctx, $type, $data) { print_r($data); }); ``` Check the [\RtmClient\Subscription\Subscription](../classes/RtmClient.Subscription.Subscription.html) class to get more information about the possible options. A subscription callback is called when the following subscription events occur: ``` SUBSCRIBED - after getting confirmation from Satori RTM about subscription UNSUBSCRIBED - after successful unsubscribing DATA - when getting rtm/subscription/data from Satori RTM INFO - when getting rtm/subscription/info message ERROR - on every rtm/subscription/error or rtm/subscribe/error ``` You should specify callback when creating a new subscription. Example: ``` use RtmClient\Subscription\Events; $callback = function ($ctx, $type, $data) { switch ($type) { case Events::SUBSCRIBED: echo 'Subscribed to: ' . $ctx['subscription']->getSubscriptionId() . PHP_EOL; break; case Events::UNSUBSCRIBED: echo 'Unsubscribed from: ' . $ctx['subscription']->getSubscriptionId() . PHP_EOL; break; case Events::DATA: foreach ($data['messages'] as $message) { if (isset($message['who']) && isset($message['where'])) { echo 'Got animal ' . $message['who'] . ': ' . json_encode($message['where']) . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Got message: ' . json_encode($message) . PHP_EOL; } } break; case Events::ERROR: echo 'Subscription failed. ' . $err['error'] . ': ' . $err['reason'] . PHP_EOL; break; } }; $subscription = $client->subscribe('animals', $callback, array( 'filter' => "SELECT * FROM `animals` WHERE who = 'zebra'", )); ``` Read/Write workflow ============================================= Because of RtmClient has a **single-threaded** model you should alternate read and write operations Simple publish with ack example. We publish message and require acknowledge from Sator RTM: ``` $client = new RtmClient(ENDPOINT, APP_KEY); $client->publish(CHANNEL, 'test message', function ($ack) { echo 'Got ack from Satori RTM'; }); $client->tcpReadSync(); // Wait for reply from Satori RTM ``` In case if you do not want to wait too much time on reading use **timeout**: ``` $client = new RtmClient(ENDPOINT, APP_KEY); $client->publish(CHANNEL, 'test message', function ($ack) { echo 'Got ack from Satori RTM'; }); $client->tcpReadSync(2); // Wait for incoming message for 2 seconds only ``` If you await multiple replies use [\RtmClient\RtmClient::waitAllReplies()](../classes/RtmClient.RtmClient.html#method_waitAllReplies) ``` $client = new RtmClient(ENDPOINT, APP_KEY); $client->publish(CHANNEL, 'message', function ($ack) { echo 'Got ack 1 from Satori RTM'; }); $client->publish(CHANNEL, 'message-2', function ($ack) { echo 'Got ack 2 from Satori RTM'; }); $client->read(CHANNEL, function ($data) { echo 'Got read data from Satori RTM'; }); $client->waitAllReplies(); // Also you can specify wait timeout in seconds echo 'Done!'; // Output: // Got ack 1 from Satori RTM // Got ack 2 from Satori RTM // Got read data from Satori RTM // Done! ``` Also there is an **Async mode**. Reading in this mode means, that you will not be blocked if there are no incoming messages in socket: ``` use RtmClient\WebSocket\ReturnCode as RC; $client = new RtmClient(ENDPOINT, APP_KEY); $client->publish(CHANNEL, 'test message', function ($ack) { echo 'Got ack from Satori RTM'; }); $code = $client->tcpReadAsync(); switch ($code) { case RC::READ_OK: echo 'Read incoming message'; break; case RC::READ_WOULD_BLOCK: echo 'There are no messages in socket at this moment'; break; default: echo 'Another return code'; } ``` If you subscribe to the channels and want to publish messages in the same time you can use tcpReadAsync or Async helpers: [\RtmClient\RtmClient::sockReadIncoming()](../classes/RtmClient.RtmClient.html#method_sockReadIncoming) or [\RtmClient\RtmClient::sockReadFor()](../classes/RtmClient.RtmClient.html#method_sockReadFor) ``` $messages_count = 0; $client = new RtmClient(ENDPOINT, APP_KEY); $client->subscribe(CHANNEL, function ($ctx, $type, $data) use (&$messages_count) { if ($type == Events::DATA) { foreach ($data['messages'] as $message) { echo 'Got message: ' . json_encode($message) . PHP_EOL; $messages_count++; } } }); while (true) { $client->sockReadFor(2); // Read possible messages for 2 seconds $client->publish(ANOTHER_CHANNEL, time(), function() { echo 'Sent time' . PHP_EOL; }); $client->publish(MY_STAT_CHANNEL, $messages_count, function() { echo 'Sent messages count' . PHP_EOL; }); } ``` Reconnects ============================================= An RtmClient instance is a one-time connection. It means that you cannot continue using client after connection is dropped. To make a new connection to Satori RTM you can clone previous client: ``` $new_client = clone $old_client; $new_client->connect(); ``` All your callbacks will be moved to the new client. After calling `connect` client will establish a new connection to Satori RTM. Note that you need to restore your subscriptions manually. See *reconnects* examples.
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RTM events list.

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RTM Subscription model.

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Socket read timeout exception.

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